coconut shell candles

What are coconut shell candles?

Coconut shell candles are an eco-friendly alternative to regular candles. They are made from the shells of coconuts, which have been collected and dried by hand. The shells are then cleaned and turned into a variety of beautiful designs that can be used as decorations in your home or even during yoga classes or meditation. This kind of candle comes in a number of colours as well as scents—everything from lavender to rosemary!

coconut shell candles

The candles are made from the shells of coconuts

Coconut shells are used to make the candles. Coconut shells are a natural source of wax, which is why they’re used in this product. They’re also a sustainable resource, as coconuts take years to grow and produce. Coconut shell candles are environmentally friendly because they don’t require any additional ingredients or chemicals to be added during the manufacturing process.

The candles can be used for decoration

If you’re looking for a natural alternative to paraffin wax candles, coconut shell candles may be the right choice for you. These handmade products are made from organic materials and can be used in a number of ways. The soft glow produced by these candles lends itself well to home decor, yoga classes and meditation sessions.

The versatility of coconut shell candles makes them an excellent choice for those who want to incorporate nature into their lives or simply enjoy high-quality design.

They come in a variety of different colours

Coconut shell candles also come in a variety of colours. The colour of the shell determines the colour of the candle, which is important for aesthetics, but also for scent. If you’re looking to create a beachy ambiance in your home, consider purchasing a white or light-coloured coconut shell candle. For something more rustic and natural-looking, opt for a brown or black one. Red and orange are both good options if you want something brighter and more colourful than most other shells’ shades; however, these two tend to have more intense scents than other shells do!

They are also available in an array of scents

And don’t worry, you won’t have to sacrifice scents! Coconut shell candles are available in an array of different scents. Some are fruity and sweet, while others are floral and spicy. Some have a more masculine scent profile, while others smell more feminine. The choice is yours!

Although the scent may be subjective from person to person, there are some general differences between various coconut shell candle scents. For example:

  • Fruity and sweet smells tend to be more subtle than floral or spicy ones;
  • Floral smells tend to be more calming than fruity ones;
  • Spicy smells tend to be energizing rather than calming (and vice versa).

Coconut shell candles combine natural beauty with the function of a candle

Coconut shell candles combine natural beauty with the function of a candle. They are made from coconut shells, which are the husks of coconuts left to dry in the sun. These shells have been traditionally used to make cups and drinking vessels for centuries, but now they’ve found a new use: lighting up your home!

This kind of candle comes in different colours and scents, so you can choose one that suits your tastes perfectly. These delicious-smelling candles are also made from recycled materials, so they’re eco-friendly and good for the environment.


There are many online retailers that sell this kind of candle. You can also find them at local craft fairs, or even make your own! These candles are a great way to make any room look more beautiful and add some fragrance into the air as well.